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Contents details for
The User-Friendly Manuals' Website
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Information on PRC
- international specialists in how to write user-friendly manuals:
- Technical communication services from PRC.
Your tool box for writing user-friendly manuals, and for improved
efficiency in usability testing. For Windows 95/NT3 or later.
New improved version (3.0.9) 4 Feb. 2002.
PRC's book on how to write user friendly instruction
manuals and check the quality. Revised 13 Jul. 1997 (readers comments).
Software from PRC:
AcosHelp 1.0 Context sensitive help with PDF-files. Uploaded 25 Sep. 2003.
PQM 3.0: see "PQM 3.0" a few lines above.
AlarmClock 1.0
(freeware with screencam movie manual). Uploaded 12 Dec. 2001.
HTMLCleanUp 1.1:
internal website check with HTMLhelp.
Revised 16 Mar. 1999.
TrimTXT 1.1:
removes undesired "hard" NewLines.
Revised 26 Jan. 1998.
Contact PRC for more info!
General techwriter info related to writing user friendly manuals:
Useful links
to interesting websites: Revised 18 June 2004.
Mailing lists:
Revised 21 December 2001.
World-wide list of professional associations, etc.
for technical writers. Check if you should become a member!
Revised 17 November 2004.
Literature lists:
a page from where you can download ...
- John Renish's
booklist on technical writing (192 Letter landscape pages).
Edition: 1 February 2000.
- Thomas Warren's
"Readings for Graphics in Technical Communication" (11 pages).
Edition: 2 Oct. 1996.
- Software for
zipping and unzipping e.g. the booklist files.
Tip of the month January 2002:
Current trends in technical communication. Uploaded 4
February 2002. Revised 26 February 2002.
Old tips
back to January 1996. Tip for February
'98 updated 21 December 2001.
News on initiatives, etc. related to user friendly instruction manuals.
Revised 25 September 2003.
Free update service
Click here if you want to receive an e-mail whenever this website is updated
with major new information, e.g. with a new "tip of the month" or a
new interesting link. The e-mail will briefly describe the content of
the update.
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of liability arising out of the use of or inability to use the texts or
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This website is sponsored by
PRC (Peter Ring Consultants, Denmark) - international specialists in how to make user-friendly manuals:
Technical Writing, Editing and Translation
Multimedia Manuals - WinHelp - HTMLHelp - Software
Consultancy - Courses - Auditing
The PQM (Planned Quality of Manuals) system
Go to PRC's company website in English / Danish.